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Infinity Con 2024 – ICC Magazine

Infinity Con 2024


Infinity Con 2024 occurred on Aug 10 in Kissimmee, Florida. It was the Infinity Toy and Collectors Convention, and I hadn’t been to this one in a few years if I remember correctly. It’s a nice convention. Billed as a one day show it feature a lot of things a convention guest could want. What I enjoyed most about this show is that it gave me a chance to see some friends that I have not seen in a long time, and I mean in quite a few years. Man, it is always good to see old friends again.

I took video and made my latest ICC cam video (which consists of me just walking around the con and up and down the aisles trying to capture as much as I can) but I did not take many photos with my canon camera as I had planned, why? Well, cell phones take some very good pictures these days, so I took a lot of pics with my cell phone. Proof that times are indeed changing. My big Camera pretty much just dangled oof my shoulder while I took pics with the cell.

Well, the comics were a plenty in every corner. There were statues, toys, games, you name it. Even a section of the center had some very nice decked out cars dressed in anime art and more. One can absolutely spend a good day at these shows and still not see everything available. I enjoyed a nice breakfast at Denny’s before driving to the convention itself, and then my GPS took me to the back of the building via some other road, so I ended up in the back.  Though I ended up finding my way to the front and all was well. The first booth that I stopped by was Alfred Paige and Marcus H. Roberts who were doing their thing as soon as I walked in. We chatted for a good while, catching up, then I saw some of their newest books and bought some copies. We always have fun at these things, there is so much to catch up on and then we can talk about our characters.  Paige and Marcus are really two great guys, and a good time is always the outcome when visiting their booth at any con.

I took my usual tour, and I ended up seeing a ton of friends that I hadn’t seen in a bit, these included Angel Perry, Brad Scott, John Crowther, Roland Mann, Gravenwolf and the Mrs., Steve and Trish Halsey, Scott S, Kool as Heck and of course Tom Raupp, who has become known by all as The Con Father. Tom has been running thins and shows for a long time and many people respect His grind, me included. The con had a nice ambient with very relaxing jazz and other music playing in the background being provided by a musician who attends cons for that reason, He always sounds good.

There are usually cosplayers on site as well, one of them Tabares Peake is a friend of mine. He does and outstanding Batman Cosplay. I’ve seen the kids and adults gravitate towards Him at numerous conventions, He has a great demeanor with cosplay and always looks super sharp. I also saw a few others there, but more probably showed up after I left. I did not stay the entire day as I had other obligations to attend as well. Osceola Heritage Parkway has a lot of attractions for tourists and the locals as well. Located off highway 192 not too far from Disney it’s a tourist playground for the most part if you can get over the traffic. Always going to be traffic there.

In conclusion, it was very relaxing being in that atmosphere again. I think for most people attending Conventions are an escape, a way to leave the madness of the world if just for a few hours, loose yourself in something else, and as the crowd would say it’s always a good time.

Here is the ICCAM/ Baker cam Video of the event, enjoy .



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